Virtual Tour Egypt: The Land of Pharaohs
By Gurushala
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More than Just The Pyramids

Egypt is a country that lies on the southwest corner of Asia and northeast corner of Africa via a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula. It is the world’s only nation having borders adjacent to three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa.

The Pharaoh was the political as well as religious leader of the masses in ancient Egypt. The titles' High Priest of Every Temple 'and' Lord of the Two Lands 'were granted to him. The Greek form that was the name for the royal residence is the word 'pharaoh'. The pharaoh was considered a god on earth as the supreme leader of the people, a mediator between the gods and the people, and when he died, it was believed that he would become Osiris, the god of the dead.

Read more: EGYPT- The Land Of Pharaohs