Classroom Learning Understanding 'Project Based Learning'
By Smruti Paradarshita
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What is Project-Based Learning?

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-driven, teacher-facilitated approach to learning. Students develop a question and are guided through research under the teacher’s supervision. PBL is not a supplementary activity to support the teaching-learning process but it is the basis of the curriculum which provides an opportunity for the students to engage with the real world and learn by doing. Through project-based learning, students are provoked to engage in problems that exist in their classroom, community, and society at large.

This approach helps develop entrepreneurial skills in children, improve their decision-making ability, collaboration, and problem-solving ability. They learn to accept diversity. Here, they are not just understanding the theory but practicing it to have a deeper understanding of the concept.

Let us have a look at the image to understand the pros of using PBL in everyday classrooms.

Reference: Adam F.C. Fletcher

Why is Project-Based Learning important?

India has a high level of unemployability and it is because of the not-so-well-structured secondary education system. This highlights the urgent need for change in current educational practices which provide the opportunity for every student to grow up as an entrepreneur and future citizen. All students need to be prepared to flourish in a complex, connected, and constantly changing world here for there is a need to put rigorous effort to change the current educational practices and pedagogical process. This calls for mastery of 21st-century competencies with the knowledge of core academic subjects for building the future citizen who can contribute towards the economic development of the country. School readiness focuses to prepare students who can not only compete nationally but also globally. (BELL, 2010)

The National Education Policy, 2020 has clearly highlighted the need to focus on skill-based education, learning by doing, and giving students more choices. The need to engage children in work that stimulates their curiosity involves them in decision making provides some autonomy and choice in learning, improves self-regulation, and allows opportunities for creative expression. This kind of learning environment will not only motivate and challenge our children but help them in the journey of self-discovery and prepare them to be productive global citizens who will succeed in this rapidly changing world.

What is the role of teachers in implementing Project-Based Learning?

Teachers need to facilitate students’ learning through PBL. In the process of student learning through PBL the following steps can be taken:


  1. The teacher can design the PBL curriculum which incorporates subject-based learning.
  2. The teacher can help students to pick a problem from their surroundings or select the topic from their subject e.g., Maths, science, history, also it can be a combination of subject topic and real-life problems.
  3. The teacher can design 2-3 projects for 1 academic year.
  4. The teacher will help students to design questions to enquire or identify the problems, design the solution, and plan implementation strategy.
  5. The teacher will review the process on a weekly basis and provide feedback and guidance to get tangible outcomes.
  6. The teacher needs to design the Assessment matrices for mapping the students' competency, skill, and knowledge-based on the student project.(Clark, 2017)



BELL, S. (2010). Project-Based Learning for the. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Clark, B. A. ( 2017). Project-Based Learning: Assessing and Measuring Student Participation. University of Nebraska - Lincoln .



About the author

Smruti Paradarshita is working in Pratham Education Foundation and works on aspects of Content Creation for the teacher capacity development portal: Gurushala. Any views expressed are personal.