In the forty eighth session of a series of workshops on English, Ms. Riya Singhal introduces students to poetry, talking to them about what it is, its different types, and its importance.
This English session is a lot of fun! Ms. Riya Singhal takes the students through the syllabus covered in the week through a fun and engaging quiz!
In the forty fifth session of a series of workshops on learning English, Ms. Riya Singhal builds on the last session and explores Adverbs further with the students.
In the forty fifth session of a series of workshops on learning English, Ms. Riya Singhal explains Adjectives and Adverbs to the students, defining the two and also differentiating between them.
In the forty fourth session of a series of workshops on learning English, Ms. Shivani Bhola explains the meaning of Had and Will Have to students, how to use them and how the two are different.
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