What will you learn
After completing the module, the teacher will be able to: 1. Learn the usage of different instructional approaches in context to ICT based learning
2. Understand the importance of using PPT in class
3. Know the benefits to students with the use of simple PPT in class
4. Learn how to design a simple PPT using the suggested strategy
Skills Covered
1. Asking questions and problem-seeking
2. Organizing a presentation
3. Interpersonal and small group skills
4. Speaking with confidence
After completing the module, the teacher will be able to:
1. Manage and improve his/ her time managing skills
2. Impact students' learning in a positive manner by effective use of strategies
1. Positive interdependence
2. Decision making
3. Asking questions and problem-seeking
Skills Covered1. Inter-Personal Skills 2. Collaboration 3. Creativity 4. Time-management
The revision has always been a major concern for the teachers as the students forget things till the exam time comes. In this module, the discussion is on the techniques through which a teacher can help students to revise what they have learnt in the class. It shows the implementation of such techniques in the classroom as well. This module will be helpful in resolving the classroom problems which can be retention of learning among students and boredom of tests. It provides some interesting and engaging methods which can help in making revision a fun-filled activity for the students and with this a teacher can also ascertain the memorizing patterns of the students.
1. Implement the strategy to make the students revise the concepts2. Understanding of Magenta Principles of learning
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