Children at an early age coming across maintaining harmony with body, mind, and soul. Necessities of all beings are the same, thinking in one way of daily routine including yoga as a habit of their life. In recent times shown the importance of maintaining a healthy body with respect to the outer world around us.
During the days of pandemics, all the children in the locality are more enthusiastic in participating in the practice of pranayama and doing asana. The way they have started been encouraged by their parents and elders, this shift was seen as school teachers were part of their daily yoga.
Early in the morning they meet on online platforms like zoom and google meet. In the meantime, an effective bonding is created between teacher and student. The leisure time created in lockdown had shaped the importance of practicing yoga. Although early morning and evening can be allotted in the running world.
The blending of the yoga practice created the availability of resources within to have an amazing life. They can focus on daily life, face the situation, create a change in their surrounding lives. During which children are also participating in yoga competitions, as the ability to perform among all the community and yoga teachers. Childhood is a perfect stage to be included in life.
That we know yoga can enhance our concentration power, release stress, control anxiousness, create wise beings, save from illness, vital in rising immune power so, its an early measure to take care one within and one around us by encouraging yoga practice. So yoga has been included in physical Education in schools.