Test 1

Classroom Learning Life skills make you Smarter!
By Rathod Soujanya
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Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable humans to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. The subject varies greatly depending on social norms and community expectations but skills that function for wellbeing and aid individuals to develop into active and productive members of their communities are considered as life skills.


Think of life skills as the building blocks or frameworks that allow students to apply the knowledge they acquire in school to real-world problems and situations. Also referred to as "soft skills" in a professional context, the ability to think abstractly and approach problems from multiple angles to find practical solutions, and the skill to communicate clearly and effectively are just as important as technical knowledge in a particular field or academic subject. Life skills are based on executive functions; they bring together our social, emotional and cognitive capacities to problem solve and achieve goals. Studies have found they are critical to success in school and life. In everyday life, the development of life skills helps students to find new ways of thinking and problem-solving. Recognise the impact of their actions and teaches them to take responsibility for what they do rather than blame others. Build confidence both in spoken skills and for group collaboration and cooperation. Developing life skills have produced the following effects: lessened violent behaviour; increased pro-social behaviour and decreased negative, self-destructive behaviour; increased the ability to plan ahead and choose effective solutions to problems; improved self-image, self-awareness, social and emotional.


Life skills go hand in hand with development and can assist students to succeed later in life. Life skills are recognised as those essential skills that bring together the social, emotional, and cognitive capacities of a person to solve problems and achieve goals. The list of beneficial lifelong learning skills one can have is broad and diverse, and it pays to develop them continuously. If you want to know the essential life skills that help in students development future, so here we mention some of the vital life skills. The essential life skills play a vitally significant role in a student's success in school and life. A student is needed life skills to learn beyond academics. Mastering beneficial lifelong learning skills help us to work, learn and live better. The procurement of these skills is a much more likely indicator of future success than the conventional measure like taking a test and assigning homework. Teachers sometimes describe these skills as "learning to learn" skills, which can be developed through intentional, regular activities.


1) Communication and interpersonal skills
2) Decision-making and problem-solving
3) Creative thinking and critical thinking
4)Self-awareness and empathy, which are two key parts of emotional intelligence
5) Assertiveness and equanimity or self-control

Here are five of my favourite life skills to help you focus on success:

1. BELIEVE YOU WILL SUCCEED: For success to become a reality, it is absolutely crucial that you believe in what you are doing. This is easy at the beginning because you are focused on what you stand to gain from achieving your goal. As time goes on, you may gradually forget how excited you were and start to lose that inner fire

2.HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR ABILITIES: Your confidence may be strong at the start but it can quickly fade when you encounter obstacles or setbacks. If this happens, remember that you once believed that you had the ability to achieve success. Remind yourself why you felt that way

3.DETERMINATION: Believing in your eventual success and your ability to achieve it is a great start, but you also have to be determined to make it happen.

4. MOTIVATION: Staying motivated can also be a challenge, especially once the newness and excitement of your goals have worn off and it's beginning to feel like "work."

5. AWARENESS: Finally, stay on the lookout for any signs of self-sabotaging behaviour or vanishing interest. If you notice that you are acting in ways that don't further your goals or support your success, get to the root of the problem quickly so you can get back on track. Be alert to any tendency to undermine your resolve or give up, and deal with it swiftly.

About the author

Rathod Soujanya studying D.ED 1st year. She's interested in drawing and reading magazines. Any views expressed are personal.