Life & Well Being Role Models in a Child's Life
By L Akshay Kumar
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Role Models in a Child's Life

There's always a person whom children admire a lot for him qualities for many reasons when children are in the growing stage. Generally it is a parent,sibling,cousin brother/sister,uncle or aunt, or anyone else who is someone children look up to & imitate.

There is no shortage of negative role models for our children in today's society.Children and adolescents imitate the actions and appearance of video,movie, and television stars.However, today's media often does not promote family values or model pro-social behavior for children. Many parents would cringe to think that their daughters would want to imitate some of today's trendy appearances and behaviors.

Role Model:
Someone who does something well & is worth imitating.A role model influences children in doing everything better in life.He/she influence children what they do & how they eventually turn out in later life.A good role model serves as an example for inspiring, motivating them to work hard to uncover our true inner potentials while overcoming our weaknesses & to encourage or actions to gain success.

While children do indeed look to the media role models, parents still are the biggest influence in their children's  lives.To increase their influence, parents need to limit the time children spent watching television and videos and increase the time children spent with them.Children are more likely to imitate their parents if the parents spend time with them.In addition, parents should be very intentional about what they role model for their  children.

About the author

L. Akshay Kumar is a student at DIET Adilabad and an aspiring teacher. He loves doing research, teaching Science. Any views expressed are personal.